Successful People Stay Focused

By: QuiAri Founder & CEO, Bob Reina

 Why is it that ALL of us have dreams, but only SOME of us actually accomplish them?

 Everyone is busy with routine responsibilities - work, cooking, cleaning, attending weddings, birthday parties, grocery shopping, doctor’s appointments, taking care of the kids, etc. We convince ourselves that we are way too busy to pursue our dreams. Truthfully, if you want something bad enough, you’ll find the time, no matter how tired or busy you are.

 How many times have you stayed up past your normal bedtime to catch the end of a movie or postponed doing laundry because a friend called with an extra ticket to a concert? It may seem insignificant, but you delayed accomplishing a task (be it sleep or having clean clothes) for fun. Successful people are better at sacrificing instant gratification and staying focused to accomplish a single goal. Every top Leader at QuiAri has made sacrifices to achieve time and financial freedom – and NONE of them regret it! They are living their dream lifestyle! You can learn how to stay focused and be successful too by making a few small changes to your mindset.


 Complacency is the ultimate dream killer. Those people who are comfortable living life in the middle will often remain there. Those at the very bottom with absolutely nothing are willing to fight for everything. They never had the opportunity to say, “I don’t feel like it today.” They went to work, perfected their craft, and now have a much more enjoyable life. How hard you’re willing to work predicts the outcome of your success.  As a QuiAri Promoter, if you don’t feel at least a little uncomfortable, your business is probably suffering – and so is your Team. In Network Marketing, success is achieved by teaching your Team how to stay focused on their goals. If you aren’t motivated and focused, chances are they aren’t either.

Set SMALL Goals & Don’t Stop

 You didn’t learn to swim by jumping in the deep end. Start in the shallow water. Set a small goal, like devoting 10 minutes to doing one thing to help reach your dreams. Small doses of effort result in an increased patience to work harder. Next time, push yourself – up the time limit to 20 minutes, and keep adding more time as you go. As you start to see results from your actions, it will encourage you to work even harder and get closer to being successful.

Create A Pre-Game Routine

 Make a list of everything you want to accomplish and start with the easiest task and work your way up to the most difficult. All great leaders have “pre-game” routines. They plan out their day before it begins and commit to staying focused.  Also, they take short “time-outs” throughout the day. Take an iced coffee break or take a few minutes to listen to music. Be sure to set a time limit for your break and STICK TO IT! Once you have a routine that works, your mind will eventually get accustomed to staying focused during your “work hours”, and distractions like TV, video games, and scrolling through social media will become less tempting.

Get Started TODAY, Not Tomorrow

The worst thing you can do is hit the snooze button on your dreams. You have the power to transform your life, and TODAY is the perfect day to get started. Everyone has a busy schedule and things going on in their personal life. Make time each day to do something for YOURSELF. If you want to reach Crown Purple Diamond and have the opportunity to help all the people you love, devote time to building your business. Your success will bring opportunities that you probably don’t have right now. Imagine how much less stressful it would be if you could just buy the things you want (new car, bigger house, vacations, etc.)  instead of saving up for months to get them. Stay focused, and that day might come sooner than you think!

QuiAri Promoters can reference the Purple Diamond Guide in their Portal for help staying focused on their dreams and teaching their Teams how to do the same. Plus, reach out to your upline if you’re struggling. Follow the daily routine of one of our top Leaders and you’ll have the BEST opportunity to DUPLICATE their success.


To learn more about QuiAri, their products, and the opportunity to become a Promoter or Customer, visit, or follow them on social media @QuiAriOfficial.


About QuiAri

Welcome to the new #1, QuiAri. Our mission is built around the basic principle of helping people live their best lives. Through our nutritious, breakthrough products featuring the new #1 antioxidant superfruit, Maqui Berry, and one-of-a-kind business opportunity with industry-first 5-Minute Pay (commissions paid within 5 minutes globally), we have created a global phenomenon that spans over 100 countries and counting. Led by industry icon and Founder & CEO, Bob Reina, and an Executive Team with a combined 500+ years of MLM experience, QuiAri has the fastest-paying and one of the highest-paying Compensation Plans in the industry. Their three delicious, life-changing products with proprietary ingredients, QuiAri Shake, QuiAri Energy, and QuiAri Prime, help people look and feel younger, healthier, and full of energy. Come see why people are rushing to join the most innovative and one of the fastest-growing companies in all of Network Marketing. Visit to learn more.

 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Income Disclosure Statement

Please note the QuiAri business opportunity offers unlimited income potential. However, QuiAri makes no guarantee of financial success. Success with QuiAri results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence, skill, persistence, competence, and leadership. Your income will depend on how well you exercise these qualities.