The Best Ways to Relieve Stress

It’s not uncommon for people to be stressed out in their daily life. Many things can generate this stress, such as work, school, family issues, or financial obligations. But that’s not all! There are many other factors that can trigger stress in people – and everyone reacts differently! 

So how do you begin to relieve stress in your life? For one, recognize that your mental health is as important as your physical health. You can take the best products and follow a healthy diet, but if you don’t take care of your mental health, none of it matters! You will never feel as good and healthy as you want!  There are many things you can do to reduce stress (like eating chocolate or meditating) that take less than 5 minutes: 

  • Breath - Take slow and deep breaths to reduce lower blood pressure and heart rate. Try pranayama breathing. It’s a yoga method that alternates breathing through one nostril at a time. This technique is said to have similar benefits to acupuncture because it balances your mind and body.

  • Count Backwards - It’s easy to freak out about an upcoming exam or a job interview. Try to slowly count until 10 and then back again. This helps calm you down because your mind focuses on counting the numbers in the correct order. 

  • Close Your Eyes - Take a quick break from a busy office by lowering your eyelids. Close your eyes, calm down, and focus. In just a few minutes, you’ll feel as good as new! 

  • Chew Gum - This is a quick and easy way to relieve stress. A few minutes of chewing gum can lower cortisol levels and reduce anxiety levels. 

  • Drip Cold Water On Your Wrists - Go to the bathroom and drip cold water on your wrist and behind your earlobes. You have arteries nearby those areas, so cooling them can help calm your whole body. 

  • Write It Down - Writing down how we feel is a good way to relieve stress. Journaling before an important event can help you with stress and anxiety. 

  • Green Tea - Taking some sips of green tea can help you relieve anger because it’s a good source of L-Theanine

  • Eat Some Chocolate - A small square of chocolate can calm your nerves. If you have a choice, go with dark chocolate. Dark chocolate helps regulates levels of the stress hormone cortisol and stabilizes your metabolism. 

  • Progressive Relaxation - Just squeeze, release, and repeat! This method involves tensing your muscles, but only in one part of your body at a time to achieve a state of calmness. It also can help you fall asleep. 

  • Rub Your Feet Over a Golf Ball - Enjoy a relaxing foot massage with this helpful tip! Rub your feet back and forth over a golf ball to relax and de-stress.

  • Stretch - During your most stressful workdays, simply standing up for a quick stretch can relieve your muscles and relax you. 

  • Get Organized - Organizing your space is a great way to relieve stress. Take a few minutes to organize your desk. Leaving only essential things on top of your desk can make you feel better. 

  • Find The Sun - Head outside on a sunny day and walk or sit in a place where you can catch some rays! This will help cheer you up, and it’s a great way to get natural Vitamin D from the sun.