Pre-Workout and Post-Workout Meals

Whatever you eat before and after your workout affects your body during and after your workout. Whether you’re just starting your fitness journey or are a certified gym rat, knowing what to eat to help your performance is important.

Pre-Workout Meal

Pre-workout meals are more important than most people think. They help energize your body and shouldn’t be skipped, but choose your foods wisely. The right ones can help you in a variety of ways. You can achieve your fitness goals sooner, increase performance, prevent fatigue, and reduce protein breakdown. 


Avoid sugar and anything too heavy or you’ll crash about 15-20 minutes into your endurance conditioning. Choose foods light in protein, such as a healthy smoothie, avocado, nuts or seeds, or salmon. 


Strength workouts require intense energy. Avoid fatty foods because they are hard for the body to digest. According to the Mayo Clinic, the best food to eat before a strength workout is healthy carbs to fuel your muscles for power movements. Choose fruit, oats, whole grains, and beans. Your body converts these foods into glucose (sugar) in your digestive system and triggers the release of the hormone insulin in your pancreas. Insulin helps the glucose move from your bloodstream into your cells which your body uses for energy. 

If you feel that your pre-workout meal isn’t giving you the jolt of energy you hoped for try QuiAri Energy tablets. QuiAri Energy gives you the natural energy needed to help your performance. The ideal combination is the pre-workout meal of your choice and then 1-2 tablets QuiAri Energy. You’ll have a great workout, feel less fatigue, and have plenty of Energy to go on with the rest of your day! 

When To Eat A Pre-Workout Meal

The timing for your pre-workout meals is just as important as your food choices. Never eat a pre-workout meal and immediately hit the gym. Get your timing right, and you’ll feel your best before and after you break a sweat! 

  • Large meals should be eaten 2-3 hours before your workout. 

  • Small meals or snacks should be eaten 1-2 hours before your workout.

  • Snacks for quick energy should be eaten 30-60 minutes before your workout.

Recover With Your Post-Workout Meal

Don’t skip the post-workout meal! It’s just as important as your pre-workout meal. Help your body recover more quickly by nourishing it with protein, fats, carbohydrates, and hydration. It doesn’t matter if you were training for the Ironman competition or just went for a brisk walk on the treadmill. 


FIRST…drink water! Hydration helps regulate body temperature, and transport nutrients and energy to your body. It also helps alleviate post-workout symptoms such as muscle fatigue and cramping. Do this immediately after finishing your workout.

SECOND….now it’s time to recover your body's energy with food. During the next 15 to 30 minutes after your workout, nourish your body with foods rich in glycogen or carbohydrates to allow for optimal replenishment of the cells in your muscles. Protein and healthy carbs are the BEST. Try to consume 20-40g of protein to maximize muscle repair right after your workout. Consuming amino acids can help too, especially with muscle recovery. Last but not least – protein shakes are always a great option because you add BOTH carbs and fats. That’s perfect to help with muscle recovery. 

QuiAri Shake is an option that not only has protein but also antioxidants that promote and support a much quicker recovery than a regular protein shake. Antioxidants consumed at any point in the day will help you look and feel your best!

The best way to ensure you’re getting the best overall proper nutrition is to look at your pre-and-post-workout meals. It’s all about balance and patience! It takes time to organize your diet and understand what is best to consume as pre-workout and post-workout meals. 

Food, FitnessQuiAri Marketing