STOP “Getting Ready” & START Getting To Work

By QuiAri Founder & CEO, Bob Reina

Every Promoter in Network Marketing has big dreams, and they always begin with the best intentions. You’ll see them sitting on the sidelines scribbling in their notebooks, creating checklists, and creating long business plans – forever getting ready and waiting for the perfect moment to get started. Ask Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates if they were 100% ready before they started Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft. The truth is – there is no Goldilocks moment where all of the stars align perfectly in your favor. The most successful Promoters in QuiAri, or all of Network Marketing for that matter, just got to work immediately and kept grinding away until they reached the top.


There is a common problem in this industry. We frequently see Promoters overthinking and self-debating to the point where they spend all their time practicing and perfecting their plan and never actually executing it! Obviously, that leads to frustration and failure, and failure leads to quitting the business entirely!


Strategy without action is a CRUTCH.

It’s time to stop dreaming with your eyes closed!  You might feel like you’re getting somewhere by doing all that prep work, and it makes for great conversation around the dinner table with friends and family, but ultimately it leads to failure and unhappiness. Truthfully, you are just procrastinating and delaying your success. If you want to move the needle with your MLM business, you must take ACTION!


No one starts out PERFECT.

 You might stumble or even fall when starting out. Many people confuse this with failing and immediately give up. If you get back up and try again, you didn’t fail…you learned a lesson. Think about when you first learned how to swim. Did you jump in the pool and immediately start swimming like Michael Phelps? No…it took patience and practice. Keep your head above water and do not stop moving. Otherwise, you’ll just sink to the bottom. The same is true for Network Marketing.


Live without REGRETS.

 What if you had a time machine and could go back and talk to your 10-year-old self? What advice would you give? To master a musical instrument? Learn another language? Study harder in school? Try harder at sports? These are all called regrets. The words “what if…” will haunt you forever, especially if you have a friend who wasn’t afraid to try to be successful – and accomplished their goal!


You can’t go back in time, but you can start living without regrets. Commit yourself 100% to a single goal, and if you’re going to take a swing, always swing for the fences every time. There is no such thing as half-accomplishing your dreams. You’ve got to go all-in. So, if you put the minimum effort into your QuiAri business, you can expect to experience minimum growth. The first step is to get in the game and join QuiAri if you haven’t already done so. In the next 5 years, one of two things will happen. 1) You’ll be telling your friends at a party how you joined QuiAri at the perfect time before they got really big, or 2) You’ll be telling your friends that you had a chance to join before QuiAri really exploded but missed out. Commit to a life of ACTION and don’t just dream of accomplishing incredible things, MAKE THEM HAPPEN! Stop getting ready to get ready! Start writing your future TODAY. We’ll see you at the TOP!  


To learn more about QuiAri, their products, and the opportunity to become a Promoter or Customer, visit, or follow them on social media @QuiAriOfficial.

 About QuiAri

 Welcome to the new #1, QuiAri. Our mission is built around the basic principle of helping people live their best lives. Through our nutritious, breakthrough products featuring the new #1 antioxidant superfruit, Maqui Berry, and one-of-a-kind business opportunity with industry-first 5-Minute Pay (commissions paid within 5 minutes globally), we have created a global phenomenon that spans over 100 countries and counting. Led by industry icon and Founder & CEO, Bob Reina, and an Executive Team with a combined 500+ years of MLM experience, QuiAri has the fastest-paying and one of the highest-paying Compensation Plans in the industry. Their three delicious, life-changing products with proprietary ingredients, QuiAri Shake, QuiAri Energy, and QuiAri Prime, help people look and feel younger, healthier, and full of energy. Come see why people are rushing to join the most innovative and one of the fastest-growing companies in all of Network Marketing. Visit to learn more.

 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Income Disclosure Statement

 Please note the QuiAri business opportunity offers unlimited income potential. However, QuiAri makes no guarantee of financial success. Success with QuiAri results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence, skill, persistence, competence, and leadership. Your income will depend on how well you exercise these qualities.