Stepping Up Your Workout

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Let’s be real about going to the gym. How many times have you skipped because you had to work late, study for an exam, or because you just didn’t want to make the drive? Life happens to all of us, but there’s an easy way to conquer your workout goals: WALKING. We don’t mean walking from your sofa to your refrigerator to get some snacks. You can burn some serious calories – up to 450 – with our tried and tested techniques. Commit to 35-45 minutes of walking every day and you’ll start to see results. 

Brisk Walking For Better Health

“Brisk” doesn’t mean you have to set an Olympic record, but you should be able to out-pace your grandmother. Walk at least 4 miles an hour – a pace that’s neither too slow nor too fast. We recommend you bring a friend along to keep you moving and motivated. Try it for 30 minutes a day to help reduce your weight, strengthen your heart, increase longevity, reduce cholesterol, and cut the risk of diabetes. Plus, you and your friend can talk about your day, which relieves emotional stress, ultimately leading to a healthier you!

Be King (Or Queen) Of The Hill

After you’ve mastered your walking workout, step it up, literally. Walk up hills, mountains, or anything with an incline. Will it be more challenging than regular walking? Absolutely, but that’s the point. Hill Walking burns more calories, strengthens leg muscles, and helps you lose weight at a faster rate. Obviously, not everybody lives at the base of Mount Everest, but any sloped surface will do. If all else fails, your local gym should have a treadmill. Most treadmills have a feature that lets you walk on an incline.

Water Walking

For those of us with old sports injuries...or are just old in general, try Water Walking. You can do this by finding your nearest pool, ocean, or lake. The resistance from the water will make walking slightly more challenging without putting too much stress on your joints. In fact, Water Walking is highly recommended for people with arthritis, osteoporosis, back pain, and joint pain. After a week or so, you’ll start to see results – weight loss, better circulation, more stamina – all the benefits of land walking without breaking a sweat! 

Interval Walking

Workouts don’t necessarily have to be all “work.” Have fun with Interval Walking. Walk as fast as you can for 20 seconds, then switch to a moderate pace for 40 seconds. Repeat the process over the span of 30 minutes without taking breaks. Interval Walking has been known to help improve athletic performance,  endurance, weight loss, and improved cardiovascular health. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t do a full 30 minutes right off the bat. Like anything, it takes time to master, but the results are worth the wait!

Treadmill Walking

There’s no doubt – you’re going to have rainy days that prevent you from walking outside. That’s when it’s time to bring your walking workout indoors. Treadmill Walking may not be as scenic, but it is just as effective as walking outside. It’s perfect for those that want to avoid injuries, such as muscle soreness and knee pain. Also...there are no obstacles in your way! Walk for miles while watching TV or enjoying your music. If you need more motivation, talk to a personal trainer at your gym. They seem to take great joy in whipping you into shape!

Don’t Forget To Shake It and Take It

Be sure to fuel up with the proper nutrition EVERY DAY. As soon as you wake up in the morning, drink a delicious QuiAri Shake loaded with 24 essential vitamins and minerals, and the world’s new #1 superfruit, the Maqui Berry. Then take 1 to 2 powerfully smooth QuiAri Energy tablets to help you stay focused. You can use QuiAri products before or after any of these walking workouts to help give your body the nutrients it craves. Visit to learn more.