Frugal Ways to get Fit

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Trying to get fit – and stay fit – on a budget can be stressful. The cost of gym memberships, workout equipment, and fitness attire all adds up quickly and consumes your bank account. Now you can save money (and stress) with these easy tips on how to exercise for free. 

Free Fitness Apps

There are hundreds of free fitness apps available at the click of a button. You can customize them to beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels, and the amount of time you want to work out for. These apps provide step-by-step instructions to get you on your way to feeling and looking your best.

Try MyFitnessPal (hyperlink: for food and calorie tracking, and My Daily Workouts (hyperlink: for exercises and cardio guides!


YouTube Videos

YouTube is a pot of gold when it comes to free workout tutorials. So many fitness influencers and YouTube stars partner with health companies to create free videos available at the touch of a button. Just search whatever kind of workout you’d like to try and YouTube will come up with hundreds of options for you. Use keywords such as “At-home-ab-workout” or “10-minute cardio” and enjoy an intense workout anywhere, anytime, and on any device. 

Here are some popular ones: Alexis Ren 10 Minute Beach Butt Workout

15 Minute Total Core

16 Minute Hotel HIIT Workout

Free Classes With Your Gym Membership 

If you already pay for a gym membership but find yourself lost in the land of fitness machines, try the free classes they offer! Yoga, Cycling, Zumba, the list can go on. These classes offer instruction, display of correct form, and most of all, fun! This is also a great way to meet new people with similar interests, motivate you to push yourself, and achieve your fitness goals. Take advantage of these classes, and most of all, enjoy yourself!


Get Outside

Before gyms and home workout equipment, people actually went outside to get fit! Go for a run or walk ANYWHERE (Around your neighborhood, trails, outlet malls, a public track or stadium, or a college campus.) Cardio done outdoors releases more endorphins than being at a gym. Nature, scenery, stillness, or busyness will likely distract you from counting the seconds until it’s over. Make outdoor circuits for yourself, such as stopping every half mile to do squats, pushups, or crunches. Make it fun, make it original, make it enjoyable! 


Use Your Body Weight

Don’t waste your money on expensive free weights and exercise equipment, just use your body weight! There are TONS of workouts and routines that only require you and the desire to improve yourself. You can do them inside, outside, at the office, on your lunch break, ANYWHERE! Lunges, push-ups, crunches, squats, jumping jacks, burpees – all will have you working up a sweat and feeling the burn in no time.

Have Healthy Snacks on Deck

The key to getting fit is diet! That's probably not what most people want to hear, but it's the truth. A helpful tip is to not only buy healthy meals, but also healthy snacks. Skip the drive-thrus and keep a stash of nuts, raisins, veggies, and fruits available at all times. They will fill you up while fueling you until the next meal (See our blog: Healthy Snacks On-The-Go). 

Shake Things Up

It is also helpful to find foods that will help suppress your hunger, such as QuiAri Shake! QuiAri Shakes are available in chocolate and vanilla and are packed with the new number 1 superfruit, Maqui. Maqui is the main ingredient in QuiAri Products. It contains everything you need, all in one shake – nutrients, proteins, greens, vitamins, Maqui, and more! Plus, it tastes amazing. Try it today to help get you on track and start shedding pounds.