Foods to Elevate your Mood

Feeling a little blah? Your diet could play a huge role in why you don’t feel so hot. Research shows that getting the right nutrients can improve mood, reduce stress, and anxiety, and even fight depression. 

Luckily, some foods are designed to hack our bodies into feeling happy. 

Your happiness is in your hands, or well…. Plate. :) 

Here's a list of some Happy Foods:


Uh, can someone say ULTIMATE BRAINFOOD? 

The concentration of omega-3 fatty acids makes salmon amazing at enhancing your mood. These healthy fats are building blocks of neurotransmitters. People who eat omega-3-rich foods tend to have a lower risk of depression and a more positive outlook on life! 

Bonus – Salmon also has vitamin B-12 which helps produce brain chemicals that affect your mood. And boy, is salmon delicious!


The incredible, Edible, Eggs

Eggs are super high in protein. Protein breaks down into amino acids in the body. Amino acids help with the replenishment of neurotransmitters. Eggs also have choline, which is an essential nutrient that helps with memory, mood, AND muscle control.

Green Tea

This drink isn't just great for fighting colds, it’s an amazing mood booster as well! 

Green Tea is one of the healthiest beverages in the world! The antioxidant compounds in green tea, just like in our proprietary MaquiX® extract, have properties that help reduce the risks of many ailments! This drink benefits both physical and mental well-being!

Red Bell Peppers

They usually cost a bit more than the other peppers, but they are worth it! 

Red Peppers spend more time on the vine than green or yellow peppers and are more nutrient-dense! These delicious fruits (yes - red peppers are fruits, not veggies)  contain more Vitamin C than an orange! Seriously!


You can go nuts over this one! - Delicious and darn right nutritious!

Walnuts are one of the few plant sources of helpful omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for the brain AND the heart! Rich source of magnesium that can be helpful with relaxation and managing stress! The best part is their versatility. They can be added to just about anything!


Avocados are rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, these delicious babies are linked to lower anxiety symptoms! 

Avocados are also high in B vitamins, which are strongly associated with improving mood! 

And can we also talk about how awesome they are for your skin, hair, and nails! When you look good, you feel good - Yasss, Queen!


You don't need us to tell you that chocolate makes you feel good. Haha!

Dark chocolate increases serotonin levels AND protects against cognitive decline! The antioxidants in chocolate help lower stress hormone levels in the body.

Cocoa helps give you an instant boost of concentration – and it can help you feel more energized and awake.

So go ahead and eat another piece without feeling bad about it! It’s fine to treat yourself to dark chocolate daily - just don’t go too crazy! Moderation is key. 


Oh, our lovely Maqui Berries!

Maqui has an insane amount of benefits! The new #1 Superfruit in the world is helping people all over with their many ailments. Enhancement of your mood is just one of the many benefits these little guys can provide.

Berries, generally speaking, contain large amounts of antioxidants, but Maqui always comes in first place. They have waaaay more than any of the others! The anthocyanins in Maqui help with inflammation, which can cause depression. 

QuiAri products are a great way to get your daily dose of Maqui. Our super-concentrated, proprietary MaquiX® extract has been uniquely formulated by Dr. Juan Hanke, the world’s leading Maqui expert. MaquiX® boosts all of the natural antioxidant power of the beneficial Maqui Berry up to 10 times! 

Maqui is also great in helping with anti-aging… and who doesn't feel better about aging in reverse? :) You can’t just get Maqui Berries or MaquiX® at your local grocery store. The best way to get your daily dose is through QuiAri products. In fact, you can’t get the MaquiX® extract anywhere else, as it is proprietary to QuiAri. For less than $4 a day you can improve your mood and overall health with QuiAri Shake and Energy. 

Now that you know which foods can turn that frown upside-down, it’s time to take action. Take a ride to your local farmer’s market or supermarket and stock up. You’ll soon be on your way to making very delicious, mood-boosting meals!