Fitness Tips for Beginners

Starting a fitness journey can be a little overwhelming. There are so many things to learn! It's a lot of trial and error before you find what works best for you. The good news is – you’ve already decided to start being more active and healthy – and you are doing it because you want to take care of yourself and feel better. No worries – we’re here to help!

Identify the steps you are going to take to achieve your goals 

First, you need to set your goals, and it’s better if you write them down. Write what you're going to do (step-by-step) to achieve those goals. This is so you can keep track of your progress. You have to understand that all you are doing is an act of self-care. 

Prioritize consistency over intensity

Finding the time to work out is a very important step in your fitness journey. If you have a tight schedule and know that you can only work out three times a week for 30 minutes, that’s great! Stay consistent during the week to achieve your fitness goals. Instead of setting goals like working out every day, be realistic and only set goals you can actually achieve. 

Find workouts you like because you’re more likely to be more consistent

Beginners should explore different workouts until they find one they enjoy. You don’t have to start your fitness journey by going to the gym. We know that it can be intimidating. You can try to do different outside activities like hiking, dancing, biking, etc. By doing this, you will be more consistent, and you will see better results. It’s best to focus on small, daily goals so it’s more realistic for you to achieve them. 

Don’t skip your warm-up and cool down

No matter what workout you are doing, you need to warm up before starting your routine. This will help you complete all exercises with less risk of injuring yourself. At the end of your workout, be sure to cool down, stretch, and take rest days. Rest days are important for your body to recover, and for you to see results. 

Master fundamental movements before doing more complicated ones

You don't need to complicate your workouts to see results. The best is to keep it simple and master those fundamental exercises before moving on to more complicated exercises. A basic workout program is sometimes enough to get the results you want. 

It’s true that post-workout, we have a 30 to 60-minute window to consume protein

The first hour after your workout with weights your body is in a special metabolic state where the protein and carbohydrates are partitioned toward muscles and away from fat cells. This makes insulin sensitivity extremely high and results in amino acids and carbs being readily absorbed, assimilated, and stored directly into those damaged muscle cells. Most nutritionists recommend drinking a protein shake to help you regenerate your muscles. We recommend QuiAri Shake (available in chocolate or vanilla) because not only does it have protein, but also antioxidants that can help you recover faster from your workout and nourish your body with the world’s #1 Antioxidant Superfruit, The Maqui Berry. 

Don't compare yourself with others

t's normal at the beginning of your process to compare yourself with others, but this isn't going to help you. You can't compare yourself with someone that has been working out for many months (or even years) longer than you. They started as beginners, just like you. But like everything in life, it takes time to learn something new. Stay focused, learn and understand the process, and you’ll see results over time. 

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