5 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress

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Everybody struggles from stress at one time or another, but you shouldn’t let it drag you down. Below are five easy ways to focus on ”you time”, release stress, and feel your best!


Take a walk

Hit the outdoors and go at at your own pace! Take in the scenery and try to capture the nature and life around you. This will help you to clear your mind and decompress. Whether you had a stressful day or just feel the need to relax, exercise is your friend. Endorphins are released through exercise. That’s when the mental clarity comes and the stress leaves.


At times when life feels chaotic, let go of what you can’t control and focus on what you CAN control. Organization is a great way to clean up your mind and your life. It could be just going through papers on a desk or cleaning out your entire closet, but either way, it will help you feel as if you're getting things back in order. Try using a label maker to organize the pantry. Or even file folders to store all that paperwork you feel you might need someday (even if you never touch it again). Whatever you choose to focus on, it will bring a feeling of productivity and motivation to your life.


Write down what you’re grateful for

A lot of people get lost in life’s little inconveniences throughout the day rather than choosing to look at the bright side. Stop to dwelling on negatives and make it a habit to praise the positives. Start by listing 10 things each morning that you are grateful for. It could be small things, such as your warm coffee, or bigger, like the health of your family and friends. Whatever it is, choose to focus on the good, and start your day out stress free. 

Read a book

Fiction, non-fiction, the QuiAri Newsletter. Whatever you want! Just become captivated in something interesting and engaging. Anybook that sparks your creativity and takes your mind to another world will do you a world of good. However, studies show that fiction is the most effective. A  fictional story slows your heart rate and relaxes your muscles, reducing stress by up to 68%! Make time for your favorite book or series and escape to a worry-free world.


Hanging with a pet

Animals assist in reducing loneliness and boosting your mood. If you feel yourself feeling overwhelmed, try playing fetch with your dog, or cuddling up with your cat. Either way, their happiness will flood you with love and companionship. If you don't have pets, head to your local animal shelter and play with the dogs there! They will love the attention and who knows, you might even decide to take one home! 

Bonus tip!

Live a healthier lifestyle! Take your QuiAri Shake and Energy in the morning to start your day with nutrients and power. QuiAri products are packed full with protein, vitamins, and natural energy. This helps you to stay focused and motivated throughout the day so you can crush that stress before it comes.