The Best Foods For A Better Night's Sleep


The Best Foods For A Better Night’s Sleep


We really wish the human body came with an owner’s manual. If it did, there would definitely be instructions on how to turn off your brain after a long, busy, and often times stressful day. The inability to fall asleep is a serious issue – especially in the U.S. According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, it’s estimated that sleep-related problems affect 50 to 70 million Americans every year. That’s 1 in every 3 people just in the U.S. alone! You could self-medicate with your choice of literally hundreds of sleeping pills and oils on the market, OR you could try a safer, and frankly more satisfying, way to fall asleep...FOOD! Try eating these foods to help you get a better night’s sleep:




It may sound a bit ridiculous to keep a bag of nuts on your nightstand, but the science behind it makes perfect sense.  Nuts, specifically almonds, are an excellent source of the hormone melatonin, which is what your body uses to regulate your internal clock and prepare for sleep. In addition to melatonin, one ounce of nuts, or one handful, also contains 19% of your daily needs of magnesium. Magnesium can help reduce your levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is released when you are stressed out and commonly interrupts sleep. So “go nuts” before bed for better sleep





If only Thanksgiving was every day, the world would be very well-rested. Try a turkey sandwich before bed, and let the powerful amino acid, tryptophan, take over. Tryptophan naturally increases your body’s natural production of melatonin. The bonus benefit of turkey is that it contains protein, which is necessary for keeping your muscles strong and regulating your appetite.


Chamomile Tea


Throw a tiny tea party for yourself before bed for a better night’s sleep. Chamomile Tea contains apigenin, a uniquely incredible antioxidant that may promote sleep and help reduce insomnia by binding with certain receptors in your brain. If that wasn’t enough, chamomile tea can help reduce inflammation, boost your immune system, improve your skin health, and more. So even if you don’t fall asleep, you still get a ton of health benefits out of it.


Fatty Fish


Fishing in itself can put many people to sleep, especially on a day when you get zero bites. However, if you do happen to catch (or purchase) a salmon, tuna, trout, or mackerel, you’re in luck! Those fish contain high amounts of Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids. Both have been shown to increase your body’s production of serotonin. Scientists conducted a study with people who ate Atlantic Salmon three times a week version people who only ate chicken, beef, or pork. The frequent fish eaters fell asleep 10 minutes faster.


White Rice


That leftover Chinese takeout could be your key to earlier slumber. White rice has a high glycemic index (GI). That’s the measure of how quickly food increases your blood sugar. It could very well enhance the quality of your sleep. In another sleep study, people that ate white rice an hour before bedtime had a tendency to sleep longer than the control group.


Shake Up Your Daily Diet


If you want to sleep better at night, make sure you’re eating right during the day. The best way to do that is with QuiAri Shake and Energy. QuiAri’s products contain the world’s new #1 superfruit, Maqui. Just one shake a day and 1-2 energy tablets a day can help strengthen your immune system, support weight loss, increase energy levels, assist in total body cleansing, and so much more. Many Customers have reported sleeping better at night, which can be attributed to living a healthier lifestyle. You can learn all about QuiAri and the many benefits of Maqui by visiting

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