Stretch Your Body And Mind


Go to any gym and ask the most jacked bodybuilder how much they can bench press. Chances are, they know the exact weight. Now ask that same bodybuilder how many minutes they spend meditating and stretching before and after their workouts. Then wait to hear the crickets chirping. Understanding the links between mind and body is more important than you think. Stretching your mind and body can reduce the pressures of co-existing conditions between mental health and chronic physical pain. 

Stretching Releases Endorphins

You have a bad day at work, you get a speeding ticket on the way home, and the kids are bickering again. Many people reach for that bottle of beer or wine to ease their troubles, but scientists say they should be reaching for their toes instead. Stretching works wonders for your body. In fact, when you stretch, your body releases natural chemicals called endorphins that interact with the receptors in your brain and reduce your perception of pain. They trigger a positive feeling in the body, a “high,” that brings on a feeling of euphoria. This euphoric feeling can actually put you in a positive mindset and provide you with an energizing outlook on life.

Recommended Yoga Pose: The Balsana: Spread your knees as wide as your mat. Let your belly rest between your thighs and rest your forehead on the floor.

Gain A Relaxed Awareness Of Your Body And Mind

Making big gains doesn’t have to happen within the walls of a gym. Find a quiet space at home and allow your mind to drift away from the day. Stretching brings your mind to your body. Pay attention to the muscles you are moving, and your breathing. Try and stay hyper-aware of your body, no matter how small, to reach your full potential!

Recommended Yoga Pose: Hip And Knee Stretch: Hug one knee at a time toward your chest. Hold for five breaths. Be sure to do this one leg at a time as back problems could occur.

Improve Your Posture

Your mother was right – slouching does lead to bad posture. Fortunately, there’s a way to help change bad habits through stretching. Try strengthening and stretch the shoulders, chest, back, and abdominals (the areas affected by sitting all day). While you’re stretching, don’t forget to take long, deep breaths. Taking deep breaths triggers the parasympathetic nervous system. This type of breathing calms the fight or flight part of the brain and allows the body to relax even more.

Recommended Yoga Pose: Legs Up The Wall:  Sit with your side close against the wall. Lean back onto your hands, slide the back of your legs up the wall, and recline onto your back with your feet facing the ceiling.

Eat Healthier Daily

Turn eating healthier into a daily habit with QuiAri Shake and Energy. The delicious products include the world’s new #1 superfruit, Maqui, which has a surprisingly wide variety of health benefits; from better mental clarity to help with weight loss and energy, people all over are using QuiAri to improve their nutrition – and it really works.

Recommended Yoga Pose: The Janusirsasana: An excellent pose designed to relieve tight hamstrings, the muscles in the back of your thighs. Taking your stretch one leg at a time allows you to go a lot deeper and feel better.