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The majority of people around the globe work 9-5 jobs and are sitting down for more than half the day. This sedentary lifestyle can make it extremely hard to fit cardio into your daily routine, which means weight gain is inevitable. Below are some easy, effective ways to get in some extra steps and put you on the right track to living a healthier lifestyle. 

Stand Up

Sitting is silent but deadly! The longer your body is still, the harder it is to get up and stay energized. Try standing up for at least 30 minutes every hour.  Whether its just standing up at your desk or walking around while taking phone calls, standing can benefit you in many ways. Gain more energy, burn more calories, and keep your brain sharp by being on your feet for at least half the day. 

Park Further Away

Instead of fighting for the closest parking spot, park as far away as you can. This will help you to get those extra steps in both before and after work. Try to make this a habit everywhere you go. The grocery store, the mall, even the nail salon. Find the furthest parking spot and get those steps in!

Take the Stairs

This one you've probably heard before. Taking the stairs not only burns calories and keeps up cardiovascular health, but it also tones muscles. Anywhere you can find stairs, make an effort to utilize them! During your lunch break, running errands, or even in your home. Climb them a couple times a day, or even incorporate them into your workouts! 

Try this one! 10 Minute Stair Workout

Desk Workouts

Desk workouts are easy, convenient, and effective! Set your alarms and do a quick workout each hour. Squats, lunges, jumping jacks, anything that gets your body moving! You can find tons of resources and videos about at home/office workouts and quick ways to get in shape while working a desk job. This one small step can make a huge difference in boosting your metabolism, cardiovascular system, and overall health.  

Check this one out! 10 Minute Office Workout

Join a Gym Close to Work

The best way to ensure you make it to the gym is joining one that is on the way home from work. Pack your gym bag, pack your snack, and hit the gym before going home. Even just a mile on the treadmill or 20 minutes on the elliptical can set you up for success. Ensure you have the energy for a workout using QuiAri Energy.. These naturally smooth energy tablets help give you that extra boost to really crush your workout!

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