How To Ease Sore Muscles


It feels great to crush a workout...until the next day has arrived and you can barely roll out of bed. Being sore can set you back and cause you to become unmotivated or even annoyed. Here are some tips on how to reduce soreness so you can get back to the gym faster!


Make sure your muscles are warm! Stretching is most effective after you finish your workout. Whether it's a high-intensity workout, or just a brisk walk, finish it off with thorough stretching to avoid being stiff and too sore the next day. Break the cycle to avoid muscle weakness, pain, spasms, and cramps. 


After you stretch, be sure to Rest & Recover! Muscles need 24-72 hours to fully recover, depending on the intensity of the workout. Soreness is the body’s way of telling you that you need more time and energy to repair, so don't overdo it and listen to what your muscles are saying. 

Warm bath

Heat allows blood flow to circulate more effectively and allows the muscles to relax. Taking a warm bath with Epsom salt can reduce inflammation and release some of the tightness. Doing this the day after a workout can allow you to recover faster and get back to the gym in no time. 

Eat mushrooms!

Mushrooms possess anti-inflammatory qualities that are effective in reduces soreness. Add them to a breakfast omelet, stir fry, or even stuff them! Whatever you choose, including them in your diet a day or two after a workout could help you to bounce back quicker!

Roll it out

Try a foam roller, your fist, even a rolling pin from your kitchen! Anything to massage out those muscles and get loose! At first, it might feel tight, but you will be thankful the next day. This can be therapeutic and alleviate muscle fatigue. Massage them for about ten minutes and work out any knots you feel. Before you know it, you'll be back in the gym without any hesitation.


Fuel your body

Making sure you have an adequate source of nutrients is key. Start each day with a QuiAri Shake! Our products contain 24 essential vitamins and minerals, protein, fibers, and most importantly, Maqui! Feed your muscles and body with everything you need to help you recover, for just 120 calories!

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