Defeat Diet Deficiencies


Atkins, Keto, Vegan, the list of diets out there go on and on. One thing they all have in common: they tend to become frustrating and unfulfilling. After months of counting calories, cutting out carbs, and lacking proper vitamins and nutrition, you end up falling back into bingeing and gaining back all the weight and then some. Avoid the stress and avoid this cycle with the help of these crucial vitamins and minerals listed below. Follow this guide and include these foods in your diet to start shedding the pounds and living healthier.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Lack of Vitamin D in your life can cause you pain, health issues, and future stress. There are so many benefits to this vitamin including reducing the chances of getting the flu, heart disease, and multiple sclerosis. Vitamin D is also known for boosting weight loss. A healthy intake suppresses your hunger, helping you to crush the cravings. All in all, Vitamin D in your diet is essential and there are plenty of delicious foods that will help you accomplish this. 

First, Salmon. Salmon is rich in Vitamin D and studies have proven that consuming salmon once or twice a week is all you need. The best part is you can have this fish for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Lox, sushi, or on a salad, there are so many yummy ways to incorporate salmon into your diet.

Another great choice is mushrooms. Mushrooms are the only good plant source of Vitamin D and can help reduce stress and depression. Consume these a couple of times a week and you can feel healthier inside and out. 

Omega 3 Deficiency

The list of side effects from an Omega 3 deficiency can go on forever. High blood pressure, fatigue, and trouble sleeping, dry skin, hair, and nails, along with skin rashes and dandruff. Some people take fish oil pills to provide their daily intake, however, indigestion and gas that accompanies it is not exactly ideal. Skip the uncomfortableness and find a way to add chia seed and edamame to your diet. 

Chia seeds are packed with Omega 3 and can improve brain health and promote weight loss. The best part is you don't have to cook them. Add them to a smoothie (or your QuiAri Shake) or on top of yogurt! They are simple but effective!

Edamame is another excellent source of Omega 3, as well as plant-based proteins! Throw these on a salad, as a side dish, or just steam them and eat right out of the shell. Whichever way you choose, you are making your heart and tastebuds happy.

Fiber Deficiency

Foods lower in fiber, or just an overall diet with little to no fiber, can make your bowels unhappy and cause foods to take longer to digest. This can also cause stomach pain, uncomfortableness, and irritability. Squash this and compliment your digestive system with the two magic A’s: Apples and Avocados 

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, or so they say. Consuming one apple every day not only provides a perfect amount of fiber, but also helps weight loss, heart health, and your immune system. Eat by themselves, add to salads, or smother in some peanut butter! Either way, it could help you drop the pounds and feel better in no time!

Avocados are another known superfruit that has gained popularity and is seen more and more each day. Not only do they help keep a healthy digestive tract, but they have been known to help prevent disease. Smash them and add to toast, throw them in a salad, or add salt and pepper and eat it by itself! All choices are delicious and nutritious!

Magnesium Deficiency

Low magnesium levels could potentially lead to headaches, weak bones, and an unhealthy heart. Avoid this by adding spinach and dark chocolate to your daily intake (but not necessarily together). Spinach can assist every part of the body, giving you overall health benefits. This leafy green can help you fight fatigue, high blood pressure, and even muscle spasms. Make it the base in a salad or add it to your daily smoothie!

Dark chocolate is as healthy as it is delicious. The higher percentage the better! Choose chocolate that is at least 70% cocoa solids. This helps gut health and heart health! Eat by itself or melt it down and dip fruit in it! 

The right diet is essential for weight loss, preventing diseases, and overall happiness! You may not even know you have a diet deficiency, so it is essential to pay attention to the foods your eating and keep track of vitamin intake. Crush any concerns with the help of QuiAri! QuiAri products contain loads of vitamins and minerals, probiotics, greens, Maqui, and our proprietary Maqui extract, MaquiX® to help you stay happy and healthy. Try a sample today and get ready to meet the new you. 

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