Cooking Tips For Those Who Eat Out A Lot

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Do you find yourself spending way too much money on take-out, dining out, or just buying expensive premade meals in general? Put a stop to it with this list of tips that will make cooking quick, easy, and efficient. Save your money and eat healthier all while enjoying home-cooked meals. 

Grocery shop frequently 

Keep that pantry and fridge stocked with long-lasting fruits and veggies, pasta, canned soups, spices, and sauces. Don't let yourself get the urge to order food. Make it impossible to eat out because you have so much delicious food available at home. Most of the ingredients listed above can be thrown together and ready in 20 minutes! 

Prepare one-pot meals

Speaking of thrown together… making a meal in one-pot is a great way to cook delicious food with little to no dishes! Add a base, protein, veggie, and some spices and you're good to go! Consider cooking in bulk so you also have dinner for the next couple of nights! Some examples are pasta, stew, stir fry, salads, and casseroles! Check out this easy and delicious One-Pot Chicken Alfredo!

Prep for the week in one day

Designate a “Meal Prepping Day.” Choose whatever day of the week works best for you! Make it a routine to get all your meals for the week prepped and put away. Now there’s no more letting the temptation of fast food and expensive takeout run your life. Just make two to three different dishes so you don't get tired of what you're eating. Just heat up for a few minutes and enjoy! 

Pack your lunch the night before

Everybody always has that one extra thing to do in the morning that throws off your entire schedule. So what do you skip to make up the time? Packing a lunch. Instead, you just grab fast food...which doesn’t do your body any favors. Avoid this completely by packing your lunch the night before! Throw everything in your lunch bag and place it in the fridge or on the counter so all you have to do is grab and go!

Make the most of your freezer

Freezing meals is a great way to stay ahead! Casseroles, meats, fruits, frozen veggies, bread, and cheeses are all great options and you can even put some of the pre-cooked meals in the freezer. They will stay good for 3-6 months! Stock up on frozen pizzas, pre-cooked chicken strips, broccoli tots, etc. The oven or microwave will make a perfectly good dinner for you in just minutes at half the price of take-out, and half the time of delivery.

Enjoy breakfast on-the-go!

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